How to reform our dysfunctional federal government
Over the 230 years since our Constitution went into operation, amendments have proved to be powerful instruments of reform.
Over the 230 years since our Constitution went into operation, amendments have proved to be powerful instruments of reform.
Opponents of a convention for proposing amendments frequently cite a passage in a 1788 letter written by James Madison to create the impression that Madison […]
In recent months, Hillary Clinton has made numerous inaccurate statements about those Americans working for what the Constitution calls a “convention for proposing amendments.” Because […]
Because of widespread interest in the Article V Information Center’s report on the legality of the “Compact for America” approach to amending the Constitution, we are […]
The Wisconsin Historical Society publishes successive volumes of the Documentary History of the Constitution of the United States. As its name indicates, the Documentary History […]
Note: This article was first published in 2013. In 1861, the states held a dry run for an Article V “convention for proposing amendments.” The […]
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